Site, Sight, Stacey, Stacie and all the other ways you can spell The Site Doctor wrong
One of the quandaries I've had for a while with The Site Doctor is our name, it sounds silly but I've lost count of the number of times I've had to spell out "site", it may not be too obvious why at first glance but there's two common spellings of "site" -one relates to websites, building etc, the other opticians (sight). Silly eh!
It has never really bothered me in the past but now that I have Stacey working with me we run into another issue -not only does she have a difficult to spell surname (Shapcott), people use so many inflections of "Stacey" it's comical. So this week I've taken it upon myself to sort this and have gone all out creating email aliases (we used to just have name@, name.lastname@, initiallastname@) but Stacey now has Stacie, Stace, Stacee and numerous other counterparts.
In an effort to make life easier for our clients, we've also got a few more domain names that point to our main domain name which include:
and my favourite:
A little overkill perhaps but for the sake of £20 I thought it was worth it ;)
Moral of the story: Don't have a long winded name that has words that sound similar to others in it ;)
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