How to: Delete duplicate products from a category in uCommerce
I was looking into an issue with one of our sites that couldn't delete a product from a category in uCommerce today and noticed that there were a lot of duplicate product-category relationships in the table.
Deleting them is fairly simple so I thought I'd share the code in case you want to clear it down as well.
BEGIN TRAN -- Check for any duplicates SELECT d.* FROM ( SELECT cr.CategoryId, cr.ProductId, cr.CategoryProductRelationId, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY cr.CategoryId, cr.ProductId ORDER BY cr.CategoryProductRelationId) AS Position FROM [dbo].[uCommerce_CategoryProductRelation] cr ) AS d WHERE Position != 1 -- Delete the duplicates DELETE FROM uCommerce_CategoryProductRelation WHERE CategoryProductRelationId IN ( SELECT d.CategoryProductRelationId FROM ( SELECT cr.CategoryProductRelationId, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY cr.CategoryId, cr.ProductId ORDER BY cr.CategoryProductRelationId) AS Position FROM [dbo].[uCommerce_CategoryProductRelation] cr ) AS d WHERE Position != 1 ) -- Double check the duplicates have been deleted SELECT d.* FROM ( SELECT cr.CategoryProductRelationId, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY cr.CategoryId, cr.ProductId ORDER BY cr.CategoryProductRelationId) AS Position FROM [dbo].[uCommerce_CategoryProductRelation] cr ) AS d WHERE Position != 1 ROLLBACK TRAN
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