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Seeing Orange


I don’t know about you but I had always thought Orange were the mutt’s nuts when it came to service so after a few years on other networks we decided to give them another try as their tariffs weren’t much more expensive than the competition.

All was great, we signed up and were told that we’d get a load of cash back because we’d signed up a number of phones etc but when it sounds too good to be true it probably is, we’re now coming to the end of our 12month contract and we’re still chasing the credit we’re owed which leaves me wondering whether I want to remain with Orange at the end of the term.

It’s not like we’ve not tried chasing them, I call both the Orange store representative we have AND the customer service centre every month when I get the bill, I’ve also popped in a few times with all the signed paperwork. I don’t think I’d mind sitting on hold for an hour at a go to get through to a representative if I knew that at the end of the call I’d get somewhere but alas we’re still waiting…

Surfing around Google I see I’m not the only one, then I stumbled across this petition which, oddly enough, is run by one of our newer clients. So if you’re also having issues with Orange’s Customer Service go sign it and lets sort this out!

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